Welcome to GP3S API Portal!

The API home for Gps-speedsurfing, wingfoil, foilsurfing and icesailing

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99.95% availability

Our APIs can be used for mission-critical systems.

25 million API calls daily

Our APIs define the industry's standards.

1 million active users

Millions of people trust us.

GP3S API developer portal, getting started.

Developers can discover and learn about GP3S API. Just sign up for an API key and start consuming our API's right away!

We will review your usage goals to make sure that you are compliant with our data privacy regulations.

Please login first to get access to these API's, when choosing "Azure Active Directory B2C" you can login with your gps-speedsurfing credentials.

An example of our provided API's:

  1. Event sessions and rankings

  2. Latest sessions posted

  3. Spot rankings

  4. User Sessions